When I grew up way, way back in the 1960s, Western programs dominated our TV screens. Shows like Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, The Rifleman, and Rawhide gave us a taste of the old West that lives on in my head till this day. Since TV time at our house in Buffalo, New York was family time, I have vivid memories of sitting with my parents and two older sisters to watch program after program. Mom would take us girls in turn to set our hair in rollers or pin curls, while we all absorbed the networks’ versions of what the West should be. I guess I never realized just how many of those images and how much of that lore went into my head until I was offered a chance to write for The Wild Rose Press’s Wylder West series. I’d never before published a Western Romance, but I was game and plunged right in. The details of those long-ago cowboys, villains, sheriffs, and Western towns came flooding back. Oh, did they ever! I found myself comfortable in the town of Wylder, Wyoming, a fictional place where the series stories take place. Echoes of programs long off the air reminded me of how a cowboy should talk. How he should walk. How he carried a gun and looked at a woman. There’s nothing quite like the way a cowboy looks at a woman—a little bit shy, a little bit bold. You just know there’s a whole lot of man simmering inside. What do my memories tell me about what a cowboy should be? Oh, so many things. Hard-working, tough as boot leather, sparing with his words, and with a kind of honor that never bends. Even the gunslingers (whom I admit seduced me a little) had their own kind of honor that made them turn up for a shoot-out, even if the sheriff had the faster gun. In “my day” Rowdy Yates of Rawhide was the cowboy who set all the girls to sighing. No surprise, since he was played by Clint Eastwood at his youthful best! Blurb: Newly retired, Earl Hanson wishes he felt happier about it. He's built a cabin up in the hills and has free time on his hands. He also has the most obnoxious widow in town eyeing him up as a possible husband. What's a beleaguered former sheriff to do? Fleeing an ugly scandal, spinster Victoria Major takes a job playing piano at the Trail's End Saloon. But it's the roughest watering hole in Wylder, and when the customers turn rowdy, Earl Hanson steps in to protect her. In return, it seems only right she should shield him from the predatory widow, by pretending he's her beau. Of course, it's only make-believe… Excerpt: She inspected this fellow in front of her, and wondered who he was. Not a young man, by any means, he wore a battered hat and had a gun strapped to his side. A heavy coat covered bulky shoulders, a strong figure of just above average height. His hair, gone to silver, matched a pair of lengthy sideburns and a fine moustache. He had a weathered face, and some of the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. “Well now.” He placed an elbow on top of the piano and leaned, effectively screening her from the room and affording a few minutes of blessed relief. “That would be a shame—you leavin’, I mean.” “It would not. They hate my playing.” She gathered up a raft of music sheets in front of her. “That has been made abundantly clear. I’d better just admit it and—and slink away like a kicked dog.” He cocked his head. “You the kind of woman who gives up easy?” The bright blue gaze slid over her face. “Got to admit, you don’t look it.” “This stint has been anything but easy, Mr.—” “Hanson. Earl Hanson.” He stuck out his hand. “And you are—?” “Victoria Major.” She had no choice but to slip her fingers into his hand, which felt broad and horny. She wondered if he’d heard that cowhand call her a hag. The second time that had happened in the past five days. Then she wondered why she cared what he’d heard. Just another man in this accursed town. Did it matter what Earl Hanson thought of her? Buy Links: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Forever-Wyld-Wylder-Laura-Strickland-ebook/dp/B098LXXZKK/ref=sr_1_1 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/forever-wyld-laura-strickland/1139794981?ean=2940162487999 iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/forever-wyld/id1575104221 Author Bio: Multi award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk or something in between. Laura is intensely interested in animal welfare and has been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs. Her love of animals and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura's mantra is Lore, Legend, Love, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Social Media:
Author Web site: www.laurastricklandbooks.com Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000002632317 Author Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Strickland/e/B001KHSACW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/760146.Laura_Strickland Author Twitter: Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurastricklandauthor/ ![]() How did I come to be writing cowboy stories? Well, I grew up with those old western TV shows in the 50s and early 60s. Most every kid wanted to be a cowboy or Indian back then. There were so many Wild West series on during those years. Growing up in Ohio, I didn’t any contact with cowboys, real or imagined, but that changed in fifth grade. My teacher took us down to the little school library the first week of school and told us to pick out a book, because we were going to read a book a week and someone was going to give a report in class, so we had to be ready. I looked that shelf of books over, up and down, and came across a spine with the name Zane Grey on it. I had no idea what a Zane Grey was, but I thought it was a cool name. I pulled that book off the shelf (wish I could remember which one it was), read it and I was hooked on the Old West. I could see the cowboys and Indians racing after each other beneath the red sandstone cliffs of the Painted Desert. From that point on, I read every Zane Grey novel I could and that’s where my fascination with the West and cowboys came from. And it still holds me today. Blurb- New Mexico Territory, 1890 In a hidden cavern, a treasure trove of gold bars sits alongside an ancient relic. To find her treasure-hunting brother, Lottie Durham enlists the help of an easygoing lawman she can’t stand—at first. When a mysterious woman known only as Ma asks her to join the relic’s guardians, Lottie’s world spins. Should she take on this solemn obligation? Twill, leader of those secretive guardians, has sworn a vow to protect the centuries-old priceless relic. Regrets bedevil him and his dedication to his oath is repeatedly tested. But if he breaks his promise, he’ll fail Ma, the one person he’s never wanted to let down. Will a looming attack by a band of determined raiders be the end of the guardians, the gold, and the relic? Excerpt- Ma took to her knitting, but spoke to Twill. “Have you spoken with the fellow, yet?” Twill shook his head. “He weren’t in any shape to talk, don’t know if he’s still breathin’. Got him stashed away, will figure things out when I get back up there.” “Please set up a perimeter around the Peak while you do that.” Without looking up, she said, “Make sure our saints haven’t been disturbed.” She raised her eyes and held his gaze. “And—” Twill nodded. “No need to even say it, Ma. I crawled down to check and everything’s all right. Maybe a few coins, some jewelry missing. That’s about all. The relic is fine. What would you like to do with the intruder?” “If it’s who I think it is, he’s harmless, but still, he’s been somewhere he shouldn’t have been. As poor as he and his sister are, I figure he might be doing Richards’ dirty work. Can’t have that—you know what to do if he’s still alive.” “Will he be missed?” “Yes, by his sister, but there is nothing else to be done. Word around town will be he died lost in the depths of the Peak, unfortunately. Not the first and won’t be the last. Perhaps I can help her with a memorial service, she’s so young. Her father gone a year or so ago as well—another misfortune.” She shook her head as she purled a row. “Victorio hasn’t been good to that family.” ABOUT THE AUTHOR-
Mike Torreano is a multi-award-winning author with a military background and a particular interest in American history and the Old West. His debut western mystery, The Reckoning, set in South Park, Colorado in 1868, was released in 2016 by The Wild Rose Press. The sequel, The Renewal, also in South Park, 1872, was released in 2018, with a third western mystery, A Score To Settle, set in New Mexico Territory in 1870 released October 2020. White Sands Gold is his latest western mystery, also set in New Mexico Territory, 1890 and released by Wild Rose in September 2022. He has a coming-of-age novel released November 2023, Fireflies At Dusk, which is set during the Civil War era. His short story, The Trade, a tale of the Yukon Gold Rush, was his first published work in 2014. Mike’s written for magazines and newspapers for many years. An experienced editor, he’s taught English and Journalism at both the United States Air Force Academy and the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. He’s a member of the Historical Novel Society, Pikes Peak Writers, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Western Writers of America and several other writing groups. He has appeared on the British broadcast On The Record, and he recently guested on LA Talk Radio’s Rendezvous With A Writer and the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ podcast. His novels have received two Firebird Book Awards for western fiction and historical fiction, two American Book Award finalist for mystery/suspense and historical fiction, a gold award for fiction from Literary Titan, and most recently a finalist award in the New Mexico Book Co-op program. He brings his readers back in time with him as he recreates life in mid-to-late nineteenth century America. He and his wife, Anne, live in Colorado Springs. ![]() One of the most popular drinks of the era was coffee, also referred to as brown gargle. Coffee—or brown gargle—was every bit as popular as whiskey in the Old West. Maybe even more so. In 1863, Sharps Rifles had even manufactured a few trial carbines with a coffee grinder that had a removable handle built into the stock. (This may have been used for grinding more than just coffee.) Arbuckles was considered the original cowboy coffee. Out on the trail, whether it was rounding up cattle or horse thieves, the cowboy needed that extra jolt of caffeine and a strong, aromatic cup of coffee provided it. The Arbuckle brothers were the first to sell their roasted beans in one-pound bags instead of selling it green where the cowboys on the range would have to roast the beans in a skillet over an open fire. As an enticement, peppermint sticks were often included with the package. On the trail drives the cooks kept the coffee flowing. If available water was too acidic, they would break an egg and add it to the pot. Some cooks added salt to reduce the bitterness. But whether acidic, with salt or without, Westeners loved their coffee. And no Westerner more than Keeper Tyree. Previously posted on Cowboy Kisses. Blurb Keeper Tyree has taken the job of sheriff of El Dorado. Everything is going well. He’s tamed the town and doesn’t have to knock more than a few heads together a day, and has no more than one or two occupants in the calaboose at a time. Then a stranger comes to town. A stranger bent on vengeance and the man he wants to bring down is Keeper. Excerpt A fist shot out of the dark. “What the hell, Cathleen?” Keeper went reeling back, rubbing his jaw. “I can smell cheap perfume on you a mile away.” She lit a kerosene lamp on the bedside table and held it up. And looked, Keeper thought, like an avenging angel. Dadgum but she was a beauty. Those eyes sparking fire always got his juices rolling. “Now, honey—” “And there’s red lip-stain on your collar. It’s Dora’s isn’t it? That woman is like a bitch in heat.” Never explain. Never apologize. Those were words he lived by. Until he tied the knot. It just didn’t work when you had a passionate, hot-tempered bride. She took a step forward. He managed not to take a step back. The door creaked. A blue-eyed tousle-haired little beauty, that looked so much like her momma it made his heart hurt, stood in the doorway. A one-eyed, stuffed bear under her arm. On her finger she wore a ring that was a replica of her momma’s wedding ring. He’d given it to Allie the day he wed Cathleen to make sure she knew he had room in his heart for both of them. He squatted down and held out his arms. She ran into them. “What are you doing up, Allie Cat?” He pushed to his feet, cradling her, soaking in the scent of soap and little girl. “I heard Momma yelling at you.” “Come to protect me, did you?” She nodded and said in a loud whisper, “Momma can be fearsome when she’s mad.” Bio
Sandra, who writes as both S. Cox and Sandra Cox, is an animal lover and avid gardener. She spent a number of years in the Midwest chasing down good Southern BBQ. By the time she moved to North Carolina where Southern BBQ is practically a staple, she’d become a vegetarian. She and her husband are ruled by four cats. Sadly, their dog recently crossed the rainbow bridge. An award-winning author, her stories consist of all things Western and more.
Please join me in welcoming author Sandra Cox! I'm excited to read her new novel Return to Silverhills. A trail boss with a fast gun. A damaged woman. A cattle drive fraught with danger. And a combustible attraction. Excerpt: “Be careful. Be careful. Be careful.” Cookie’s strained voice echoed in the cave. She looked to her right. Her breath caught and she swayed dizzily. What she’d thought a dark and shadowy wall was black, empty nothingness. Taking a deep breath and calming her pounding heart, she held her lantern higher. There didn’t seem to be any drop-offs in the second chamber, three sides surrounded by ridged stone. As she took a step forward, Happy put a hoof in thin air. The mule brayed, panicked, backing up into Cookie and Hope. Cursing, Cookie sat down abruptly. Lisa pulled the mule forward before it could step on Cookie. Nervous, the mule stepped frontward placing a hoof on Lisa’s too long slicker. It jerked her to the right and her foot went over the side. As the reins slid through her fingers, the mule bellowed in fear and, brushing against her, bolted into the next chamber, its hooves clanging eerily against the stone, it’s hide scraping the wall. A ringing sounded in her ears as she lost her balance. Her arms flapping wildly, she tumbled sideways. She managed to right herself but not enough to stop the fall, grabbing the ledge as she went over. The lantern tumbling into the black where it landed with a splash into water far below. Jeff Wade Character Facts: Most folks have a dog for a pet. Jeff has a calf that follows him around. When his horse, who is carrying two people on his back, starts having trouble in a strong current while crossing the Red River on a trail drive, Jeff jumps on the back of a longhorn and rides it across. When Wade men mate, like the wolf, it’s for life. ![]() Bio: Sandra, who also writes as S. Cox, is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina. An award-winning author, her stories consist of all things Western and more. Foodie Facts: She spent a number of years in the Midwest chasing down good Southern BBQ. By the time she moved to North Carolina where Southern BBQ is practically a staple, she’d become a vegetarian. Pineapple is a must-have on pizza, along with black olives and onions. She loves pumpkin waffles. Pumpkin cream cheese, not so much. You can find Sandra at: http://www.sandracoxwriter.com http://www.cowboytrivia.blogspot.com https://sandracox.blogspot.com/ http://www.twitter.com/Sandra_Cox Buy Link:
Amazon ![]() Happy Easter to all my readers! Welcome to my virtual Easter celebration. If you enjoy making cookies and cupcakes, check out my Easter Pinterest board. I've been working on this board for a long time, so you'll have lots of choices. https://www.pinterest.com/dkdeterscom/easter-cookies-and-cupcakes/ Maybe add in some holiday drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Who can resist peach tea or a delightful watermelon limeade? https://www.pinterest.com/dkdeterscom/holiday-drinks/ Did I mention popcorn? I’ve got you covered for an evening popcorn party, too. https://www.pinterest.com/dkdeterscom/popcorn-party/ Review for TumbleStar by Sandra Cox I loved Sandra Cox’s western romance, TumbleStar. Coop Malloy’s niece, Kallie, comes to live with him after the death of her parents. The last thing he expects is his childhood friend, Randa Lockhart, to accompany her. From their first meeting, a stormy romance brews between Coop and Randa. But when Coop kills a man in self-defense, he faces off with gunslingers who are bent on revenge. It’ll take all his skills to protect Randa and Kallie. Ms. Cox delivers spot-on descriptions of 1880 Texas. TumbleStar has every element I look for in a great western: a powerful plot, sexy cowboys, ruthless gunslingers, and a heartwarming romance. It’s a 5-star story, perfect for any western library. Enjoy the read! The 99¢ sale for The Texan’s Favor is almost over. The last day is 4-15-22. Grab this western romance while it’s on sale.
Have some cookies and a beverage before you go. I'm so glad you dropped by!
![]() Several of my friends have asked how to help an author. After you read their novel, please write a review anywhere. Seriously, leaving a review is free and takes only a few minutes. It helps the author immensely. Consider leaving a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Rakuten kobo, and other sellers like Target and Walmart. That's just a few places. There are many more. Here's a quote from N. N. Light's Book Heaven review for THE TEXAN'S FAVOR: "...I loved the tension between these two independent people. It ratcheted up the anticipation and honestly made my romantic heart beat faster. The ending was so good I wanted to reread the whole story after I finished reading it. I didn’t want to leave the characters or the world D.K. Deters created. If you love historical western romances, pick up The Texan’s Favor. If you secretly want to live as a feisty heroine in the old west, you’ve got to read The Texan’s Favor. Highly recommend!" ![]() And this is a review I wrote for Silverhills by Sandra Cox. Can't wait to read more of her novels! Silverhills is my favorite read for 2021. It’s an exciting romance set in the Old West. Brendon Wade is a perfect match for the spirited Alexandria O’Malley, but he thinks she’s a boy named Alex. Plenty of gunslingers and cowboys stir up western action at its best. If you know a person who loves western romance, gift this one to them. Sandra Cox has written a great story! What are some of your favorite stories? Thanks for dropping by! You're always welcome to come sit a spell.:)
Please join me in welcoming author Mary Morgan! Hello D.K.! I’m excited to share my new release, Rorik, The Wolves of Clan Sutherland, Book 2! Before we take a peek at the Dark Seducer’s story, I want to introduce you and your readers to the Norse and Scottish men who are rumored to be part wolf. They are the elite guard for King William of Scotland. Their bloodline flows with the magic from both countries, giving them unique and powerful qualities. Meet the Wolves of Clan Sutherland! Magnar ~ The Barbarian. As leader of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland, Magnar is a fierce ruler for those under his command. Beware if you should become his enemy, since his motto is to strike first and ask questions later. Rorik ~ The Dark Seducer. His smooth charm and power of persuasion has enticed many women to his bedchamber. Pleasure is his motto as he obtains secrets for the king. Love is simply a weakness. Rorik’s heart is as frozen as the steel of his blade. Steinar ~ The Pirate. Known for his exceptional battles fought at sea, this man seeks the ultimate treasure for Scotland. A prize valued by both—Norse Gods and Kings. Gunnar ~ The Thief. His highly praised skill in retrieving any object required by the king has left this one believer of Christ seeking penance at every holy shrine he encounters. He is the sole wolf who also refuses to acknowledge the Norse God Odin. Bjorn ~ The Mercenary. As he secretly takes coin from another king to kill this king’s enemy, Bjorn’s ruse is to help those who have fallen under the trap of the King of England and bring them home to Scotland. Ivar ~ The Rogue. His loyalty is questionable at times. If given a choice between obeying his leader, the king, or his wolf, this rogue would choose his beast. Thorfinn ~ The Traitor. Given away to another family shortly after his birth, he has despised his twin, Magnar most of his life. His enemy is the King of Scotland, and the Wolves of Clan Sutherland. Blurb: The Dark Seducer is known throughout Scotland as a man who charms many women into his bed. Pleasure is his motto as he obtains information for his king. Yet Rorik MacNeil harbors one secret buried beneath his heart of steel. An unfulfilled conquest plagues both man and his inner wolf, and Rorik would rather suffer death’s sharp blade than confront his greatest fear. As the Seer for the Orkneyjar Isles, Ragna Maddadsson confronts an unknown destiny when she travels across the North Sea to Scotland. In her quest to deliver a message from a powerful vision, she fears the warrior will not listen. If Rorik ignores her warning, Ragna must find a way to forestall his impending death. If unsuccessful, she risks having her heart cleaved in two. To unravel their true fates, Rorik and Ragna must trust in the power of the wolf. Excerpt: “Have you been eating the fresh berries in the meadow, Ragna?” asked the male voice behind her. The man rolled her name off his tongue, sending shivers down her back. She knew him well, often staring at him while she traveled into the nearby village of Kirkjuvágr. Doing her best to compose herself, she wiped the palms of her hands down the front of her gown and turned around. “I have yet to find any. Why do you ask?” Rorik stepped forth from the shadow of a tree. His smile came slowly as he approached her. She tried to control the fierce beating of her heart as the man loomed over her with a dark and hungry gaze. “Your lips are as red as the berries that grow in abundance in the meadow,” he stated softly. “’Tis only an apple I have been eating.” Unable to move away, Ragna studied the man’s features—from his deep green eyes to the dimple hidden within the dark facial hair covering his chin. To suppress the urge of twining her fingers into his long ebony hair, she dug her fingers into her gown. She thought the warrior had to be chiseled from the Gods. Rorik lifted his hand and gently pressed his thumb against her bottom lip. “Beauty.” An ache grew within Ragna. His nearness made her weak and without breath. When his hand slipped around her waist, she collapsed into his embrace, placing her palms against his broad chest. “What are you doing?” “I want to taste your lips, Ragna. I have thought of nothing else these long summer days.” She tried to breathe, finding it difficult within his strong embrace. “Why me?” she blurted out on a gasp. He lowered his head near her ear. “Why not you?” Buy Links: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093Y2FG9K/ Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/Rorik-Wolves-Clan-Sutherland-Book-ebook/dp/B093Y2FG9K/ Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rorik-Wolves-Clan-Sutherland-Book-ebook/dp/B093Y2FG9K/ Amazon: AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Rorik-Wolves-Clan-Sutherland-Book-ebook/dp/B093Y2FG9K/ Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rorik-mary-morgan/1139405450 Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/rorik/id1566954806 About the Author:
Award-winning Celtic paranormal and fantasy romance author, Mary Morgan resides in Northern California with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return. Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic mythology, her tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance. It wasn't until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling by writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories. If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of magic, then time-travel within the pages of her books. Connect with Mary at these places: Website/Blog: https://www.marymorganauthor.com/ Amazon Author: http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Morgan/e/B00KPE3NWI/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryMorganAuthor/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/m_morganauthor Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8271002.Mary_Morgan Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/marymorgan50/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marymorgan2/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/mary-morgan Audible: https://www.audible.com/author/Mary-Morgan/B00KPE3NWI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-morgan-2634a77a/ Congratulations to author Peggy Jaeger on this exciting cover reveal for A Pride of Brothers: AIDEN! A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: AIDEN
Book 2 in the series Romantic suspense Coming soon! Blurb: Lexi Buckley wants answers about her younger sister's death. The police have labeled it a suicide, but Lexi doesn't believe it. Stymied in her investigation, she doesn't know where to turn next. After a chance encounter with a private investigator, she thinks her prayers have been answered. Aiden Keane has never been an answer to a prayer before, but he agrees to help Lexi. A quirky combo of brains and beauty, the pixie blonde makes him feel things no professional ever should for a client. When their investigation puts Lexi's life in jeopardy, her safety becomes his number one priority. The hard part is not falling for her. Excerpt: “Were you close with your sister?” Aiden asked. Not the way we should have been. Not at the end. “We had a sizable age difference between us. Almost ten years. I was the big sis. The oldest.” Her lips trembled when she pulled them into a sad line. Rolling her eyes she added, “The bossy one, according to her. She was the baby and took full advantage of her status from the moment she realized it.” “And rightly so.” The corners of his eyes crinkled. “I’m the youngest of my brothers and I’ll can tell you with one hundred percent honesty, my oldest brother is the bossiest one of us. I think it comes with birth order. Although he takes his so called right uber-seriously. Especially at work.” This time her grin was steadier. “What kind of business do you all own together?” “We a run a private security company.” “Security?” “Personal bodyguards, if a client needs protection from something. Background checks for employers. Mostly we do investigations.” “What, like private eyes? Like on television?” He laughed. “Nothing so glamorous. The fast cars and hot babes are all fantasy. It’s a lot of boring research, computer work, and surveillance, but yeah, you could say I’m a private eye.” Lexi’s entire mood turned on his words. The sorrow flew, the hurt dissolved. Even her nervous trivia-speak went dormant. She sat bolt upright, her knees bumping against the tabletop when she shifted. Excitement shot from her system as she turned her body, placed a hand across his forearm and declared, “Oh, my God. You’re the answer to my prayers.” A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: RICK is available now across all digital media and in print: https://books2read.com/u/38RV7O |
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